Małgorzata Szumowska foR LAST Skincare

Małgorzata Szumowska. Immersed in her work, unconditionally.

Tackling important social issues, delving into human emotions, bringing the unique blend of sacred and the profane to popular culture. She is not only a prominent voice in the world of filmmaking, but a cultural icon and a role model - admired and aspired to,...
Essential fatty acid in skin and skincare | LAS Healthy aging skincare | Journal

Essential fatty acids in skin and skincare

For years fat has been considered one of the biggest beauty enemies. For years, we have lived in a lie. Fat with its essential fatty acids is a non- negotiable ingredient of effective skin care.
Longevity practices | LAST skincare journal, skincare, antiaging, serum, neurocosmetics

Live long and prosper – a complete guide to longevity practices

„I want to be forever young”. I bet you remember the song. How would you answer the question that follows this catchy declaration? „Do you really want to live forever?” Being old, tired and sick is a no. Being mature and healthy is a yes....

How olfactory experience of skincare influences the skin

My memories are strongly connected to the sense of smell. The scent of perfume my mom used to use 30 years ago brings me back straight to my childhood, the one of elderberry reminds me of my grandmother’s garden where I used to play during...

Unlocking the secrets of skin health with functional medicine – and Dr. Will Cole

While skincare is about treating the symptoms, we are much more into solving the root causes. Like with neurocosmetics - slowing down accelerated aging in skin and increasing tissue regeneration - the Functional Medicine focuses on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of illness and...
Safety first, beauty will follow- how to protect the skin

Safety first, beauty will follow- how to protect the skin

Skin is a shield for the body and many factors affecting her quality come from the inside. The nutrients from foods we eat, the hydration from the liquids we drink, the quality of sleep that determines the hormones - all of that can work in...
The dry facts - why hydrating doesn’t work and how to do it right.

The dry facts – why hydrating doesn’t work and how to do it right.

If there is one thing that can trick me into buying another skincare product, it would be the potential deep moisture effect. My naturally very dry skin seems to have an unlimited thirst and for a very long time I thought it’s almost impossible to...
Temperature of health - the benefits of hot and cold therapy

Temperature of health – the benefits of hot and cold therapy

„You’re hot and you’re cold, you’re yes and you’re no” - the lyrics of Katy Perry’s song were the first thing that came to my mind when I started thinking about hot and cold therapies. Why does manipulating the temperature of water and air have...
Overtraining, over-dieting, overthinking – how much self-care is enough?

Overtraining, over-dieting, overthinking – how much self-care is enough?

If you could choose, how long would you be willing to wait for the results of your efforts? Probably not that long, am I right? When we want things, we want them fast and long-lasting. The urge of achievement often triggers us to pushing, reducing,...
Can we press the reset button on our DNA

Can we press the reset button on our DNA?

It is what it is. Isn’t that what we’re used to think about our genes? We got them as life starter packs from our parents and, depending on the situation, learned to praise them or hate them. Great skin? Thank you, genes! Slow metabolism? Blame...
When the stress shows

When the stress shows

Misfortunes never come singly. Is that why my skin tends to get bad every time a major stress kicks in to my life? I think the reason might be a bit more complex than the accuracy of this old proverb but it’s hard not to...
Can we press the reset button on our DNA

Skin, the burning problem

Among all the possible challenges a teenager can face, bad skin was the one (the only one, in fact) I was spared from. „Well, at least I have a great skin” even became my inside joke I told myself repeatedly to compensate the bitterness that...

All the faces of aging

My birthday is coming soon. I don’t really pay much attention to it and I don’t mind putting +1 to my lifespan. But I do mind when I have to put -1 to the quality of my skin, and the visible changes on its surface...
Well-being on the go | LAST journal

Well-being on the go

Being a creature of habits is one of the best things that can happen to you if you pick the right ones. And if you will stick to them no matter what. How not to have a self-care time off during time off? 
The need for a pharmacological approach in skincare: perspectives in skin health status, LAST skincare

The need for a pharmacological approach in skincare: perspectives in skin health status

Introduction There is no doubt that skin is our largest organ in human body and the one that interfaces with the environment. In fact, skin is the first tissue that encounters the vital and toxic substances of the nature and environment. Although todays blast of...
Sun's out, should I be out? | LAST Journal

Sun’s out, should I be out?

Sun makes me feel very close to nature, almost flower-like. When it shines, it makes my body and mind bloom. I feel energized, optimistic and way more fun. When it doesn’t, I want to hibernate in bed to avoid wilting. But unlike flowers, I have...

Glycation and the way sugar destroys your skin

I know that sugar is not my best friend. Yet somehow I managed to convince myself that cheesecake definitely is one. It gives me comfort, pleasure and puts a smile on my face with every single bite (just no raisins, please). Can it be that...
Intermittent fasting - Hunger games - LAST skincare neurocosmetics

Hunger games

I am not a fan of diets and I am a fan of food. When I first heard about fasting it seemed like another fad diet that makes one cut off calories for the sake of fitting into even skinnier skinny jeans. It will pass,...

The art of happiness

The more I learn about happiness, the more I realize it’s not possible to feel it all the time. Surprisingly it is a good thing, because it turns out every extreme emotional state comes with a price. The good news is that we can learn...

Want to fly high? You can’t run dry. How to hydrate to support your natural body flow.

A glass of warm water is the first thing my body absorbs every day. Still half asleep, I can feel how this most basic yet magic potion slowly goes down my throat and reaches the stomach, switching on the „wake up” button somewhere in between....
Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine in daily routine

Achieving the new, using the old.

Let’s start different this year. Instead of pushing the tempo let’s slow down. Instead of stressing over goals let’s enjoy the process. Instead of questioning the uncertain future, let’s embrace the wisdom from the past.  For all the right reasons The original purpose of medicine...
LAST Journal | Sleep yourself info inner power

Sleep yourself into inner power? Exploring the science of deep sleep.

Waking up and immediately dreaming about going back to sleep. A nightmare many of us relive on daily basis. Today we’re as diving as deep as deep sleep can get to explore the nighttime regeneration theory, counting down till the fully restorative practice begins.
How neuroplasticity can change your brain - LAST skincare journal

How changing your brain can change your life. The power of neuroplasticity.

What do you think of when you want to change something about yourself? New haircut? New diet? A new workout routine, maybe? And what if we told you that the most significant change should begin not outside, but inside your body (to be more specific:...

Neurocosmetics – improving your skin, mood and well-being

NEUROCOSMETICS? Yes. The best thing to recover from the crazy 2020.
LAST Healthy aging skincare - Morning Wellbeing practices

Morning well-being practices

A healthy morning routine can help you transform from a low-energy, stressed human to a motivated and relaxed go-getter. These powerful mood modulators (aka your morning routine - structured and healthy habits) can set the tone for the rest of your day when it comes...
LAST_ Healthy aging skincare_How to preven skin from premature aging

Prevent your skin from premature aging – with these must-follow guidelines

Aging is inevitable for all of us, but thankfully, there are some rules that (if followed) could help you slow down that process. We focus on the ‘successful aging’ paradigm which contradicts the traditional conceptualizations where aging = time, and we share ways in which...
LAST_Healthy aging skincare_What to expect from the perfect skin repair serum

What to expect from the perfect skin repair serum?

Can one cosmetic have it all - protective, regenerative, soothing, anti-aging, rejuvenating, lightening and moisturizing influence on skin? Include multiple potent raw ingredients in sufficient quantities yet stay safe and balancing even for the most sensitive skin? We faced these challenges two years ago -...
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